Re: [Salon] Dan Ellsberg receives the Sam Adams Award April 11, 2023 - YouTube

Many thanks, Todd   ray

On Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 6:59 PM Todd Pierce via Salon <> wrote:
Video of Daniel Ellsberg being awarded the Sam Adams Award by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence. Please help distribute to media, friends, or anyone and everyone. Dan talks a little bit after the award is presented to him, and with everything he says, it is priceless!

Not to distract from the award presentation, but for those who can read “plain English,” I’ve attached a valuable essay by Hannah Arendt, Lying in Politics, which discusses the Pentagon Papers, and the lies which they consisted of, and were revealed by Dan Ellsberg’s courageous act of revealing the lies with the release of the Pentagon Papers. Always against the “Conservatives” of National Review who incessantly demanded even more lies to cover-up the inevitable failure of the U.S. military in Vietnam, which they so zealously supported (JFGI!).

"The crucial point here is not merely that the policy of lying was hardly ever aimed at the enemy (this is one of the reasons why the

Papers don’t reveal any military secrets that could fall under the Espionage Act) but chiefly if not exclusively destined for domestic consumption, for propaganda at home and especially for the purpose of deceiving Congress—the Tonkin incident where the enemy

knew all the facts and the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee none is a case in point.

Thank God for the Bill of Rights and the First Amendment which allowed for this information to eventually get to the American People, as against the Conservatives who denounced the First Amendment, and fought against it!

And Daniel Ellsberg stands above all subsequent “Whistleblowers” because he was the “Pioneer,” and set the example for those who followed. With the latest victim being Julian Assange who too revealed U.S. war crimes in a losing war. And whom Trump would charge with violation of the Espionage Act, taking the Espionage Act to an even more egregious level with charging a publisher under it, designed to intimidate not only “Whistleblowers,” but anyone who might publish information of our war crimes. And ultimately, anyone who even comes into “possession” of such information, as the "plain meaning" of the Espionage Act provides, retaining its original purpose of suppressing the “free flow of information,” as James Madison first called for, and would subsequently be denounced by prominent U.S. Conservatives clustered on the masthead of National Review who founded it as a media platform for the McCarthyite ideology they had created!

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